NaNoWriMo 2012

Maybe it was the fact that I was unemployed with time to kill. Maybe it was the pending doom of the Mayan apocalypse breathing down my neck, and knowing there was nothing to fear since we would all be dead in a matter of weeks. But NaNoWriMo 2012 was the single most successful attempt I... Continue Reading →

Why I Write: The Beginning

I, like most everyone in a literate society, at one point did not know how to write. I knew that there was such a thing as writing and that adults who were lucky enough could communicate in such a manner. But I as an illiterate child of three or so could not. Not that this... Continue Reading →

Growing Pains

One week ago today, I turned thirty. And though I had major plans to mark the occasion, none of them came to be as the followers in the audience are well aware. But let me illustrate why... In the last week I have been made aware that my position at work is downsizing to the... Continue Reading →

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