
I am here still, though the activity of this blog says otherwise. But I am, I stop by and reread my posts now and then trying to reconnect. Obviously, it's not working, hard as I try. I am just so tired and burnt from life that I cannot function even in my real world. It's... Continue Reading →

Brutal Honesty

You are never going to want to write. Ever. It won’t matter that you love your story, or that the scene in your head rivals the comedy genius of the greats that came before you, or that you really really really want to bring this book to life. Because when your ass hits that chair... Continue Reading →

Things I Need

The thing that gets me about my adult writing life, every single fucking time, is that it was never as hard as this when I was a kid. I used to be the James Patterson of all the English classes, the Stephen King of modern fantasy. Then I grew up and learned that being a... Continue Reading →

NaNo Go Go

Call it hypocrisy, call it flakiness, call it what you will. I am doing NaNoWriMo. I know I stated for specific reasons why I wasn't going to in my post titled NaNo No Go and that I was resolute in doing so. But then they revamped the NaNoWriMo site today, and there was this void where... Continue Reading →

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