A Blog For Every Occasion

NEW BLOG ALERT https://taletellreview.wordpress.com/ Gee, almost new years and haven't heard a peep here? Must be new blog time. Honestly, if you folks knew how many discarded or never even started blogs I have out there in the interwebz you would be even more disgusted with me. However, in my rather weak defense, I create... Continue Reading →

Level Up

It has been mentioned in my previous postings that I had a misconception that this part of my life was going to be easy. Just because certain aspects of it were easier than others. I make more now, have plenty of paid time off so I never have less than 40 hours a week. I... Continue Reading →

Plotober 2017

It is decided. The novel I will be chipping away at furiously next month is something that I have meant to do for a very long time and is probably the story with the most failed attempts out of them all. This is When Heroes Fall. A prequel of sorts now to my 'opus' which... Continue Reading →

Learn by Doing

Do not take my silence for absence. I have been more present in life and in my writing these past few weeks than I ever have. And it feels glorious. Not that it isn't without its frustrations. Please note my choice of photo to head this addition to the blog, as this has also been... Continue Reading →

I Can Do That

There is only one thing you need to create. Four simple words heard in whatever your minds voice happens to be, felt deep to the core where no doubt can reach. Those four words? This is the most crucial moment in any creative endeavor, which ultimately fuels the creative drive until your lack of coordination... Continue Reading →

Why I Write: The Beginning

I, like most everyone in a literate society, at one point did not know how to write. I knew that there was such a thing as writing and that adults who were lucky enough could communicate in such a manner. But I as an illiterate child of three or so could not. Not that this... Continue Reading →


Somewhere in the next twenty-four hours I will either be so terribly elated and nerved up, or completely and utterly deadpan. Which if you knew me intimately you would realize as a huge growth in my character. Today is the day I learn one way or the other if I was chosen by Bitch Media... Continue Reading →

Brutal Honesty

You are never going to want to write. Ever. It won’t matter that you love your story, or that the scene in your head rivals the comedy genius of the greats that came before you, or that you really really really want to bring this book to life. Because when your ass hits that chair... Continue Reading →

NaNo Go Go

Call it hypocrisy, call it flakiness, call it what you will. I am doing NaNoWriMo. I know I stated for specific reasons why I wasn't going to in my post titled NaNo No Go and that I was resolute in doing so. But then they revamped the NaNoWriMo site today, and there was this void where... Continue Reading →

Stones or Beatles?

In lieu of a meaningful post, here is another two-second blurb . Stones or Beatles? One of the classic this or that's, that frankly pisses me off. Why? Because as far as I am concerned the two are not comparable by any means. Both are entities unto their own. To me, the Beatles are more pop... Continue Reading →

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